Thursday, 29 May 2014


I desperately needed more inspiration for my zine, so I went back to my trusty and favourite online magazine publishers - ISSUU - and found HACHI magazine. 

Firstly what caught my eye with this magazine was the interesting portrait image and the simple layout of the front cover. The male models eyes catch your attentions straight away which automatically made me want to open the magazine. Also I liked that the logo was very much how I imagined mine to be - simple. They haven't gone over the top of it or tried to do something extreme and over designed.  

Once I opened the magazine, I was also impressed by the various layouts they used for their images. This is the main reason I began to research into other zines, I needed more inspiration for the layouts in my own zine - I don't want the same designs on each page, this would get very boring for the reader and it also lacks imagination or creativity, something zines are supposed to express.  A couple of layouts I really liked were : 

The first image I would say is the easiest to create, I really liked the juxtaposition of the images. How they're both portrait but slightly off centred, borders are different and also different sizes, it slightly throws you off a little which is an element I like - however I'm not sure if a reader would like this design. Also my zine wont be including much writing so that part of the image I wont be including. I think this is positive though as I don't actually like the writing as part of the design. I also dislike the black lines they've incorporated into it as well, I don't feel that they are necessary and make the page look messier.  

The second image is a design I loved but found difficult when making mock books of my zine. I found that because most of my images - well in fact all images - are of models, if I was to include an image in this way, the models face would have been cut in half which would have gave them an odd look and distracted you from the image - which is definitely something I don't want.  

3rd Image- I love, love love. This effect looks seriously cool and for some bizzarre reason a lot of people are making images in this style at the moment. I would have really liked to use this design, however due to the fact I don't have many pages to create my zine with, I don't have the luxury of showing the same image twice - if I find that I do though, I will definitely be including this in my final copy of my zine. 

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