Is an extremely popular zine, this isn't judging the numbers though, this is judging it by the amount of times I've seen their copies all over websites such as tumblr, pinterest, facebook etc. I've probably seen the fourth picture down about 10+ times. But you can see why, it's beautifully done. Each zine is carefully thought out, from the front cover, to the colour scheme, to contents, to the print.. It's not rushed. You're fooled in thinking it's a handmade zine. Despite these many positives there are negatives as well. In some ways I actually dislike the fact it doesn't have a handmade loved appearance to it, the magazine doesn't seem that tactile. It looks like something you would take great care of and worry about how it was handled. I don't want the reader of my zine to feel uncomfortable like this.
Elements I'm taking from this magazine and putting forward would be keeping an eye on colour palettes. I want to keep the same colour themes running through my zine. No Zine has shown that it adds a really professional and sleek appeal to the overall appearance. Also I like the simplicity of their covers, I would say this has been the element i've taken inspiration from the most and finally, the range of image layouts they use. They keep every page intriguing and different, adding to that 'arty appeal'.
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